Person-Centered Planning

We help develop tailored plans that empower individuals with disabilities or those at transition points to take control of their lives.

Person-centered planning is a process that prioritizes the goals, preferences, and aspirations of individuals, empowering them to take control of their lives and make choices.

Person-centered planning is used to design and organize services and supports for people with disabilities or those going through transition points in their lives, such as graduating from high school or college, or between jobs. The planning process is centered around the individual, with a team of people who know and love them working together to develop a plan tailored to their unique needs and goals. This approach values the person’s voice, preferences, and choices, and seeks to involve them actively in the decision-making process. This typically involves discovery, visioning, action planning, implementation, and evaluation.

BiosReady has certified trainers who are highly skilled at facilitating person-centered planning for individuals with disabilities or those who are at transition points in their lives. Our trainers possess a deep understanding of the principles and practices of person-centered planning and specialize in guiding individuals through the planning process, from identifying goals and aspirations to developing concrete plans for achieving them.

People with Disabilities

Person-centered planning empowers people with disabilities to make choices and take control of their lives, by collaborating with their families, friends, and professionals in developing plans that meet their unique needs.

Person-centered planning is a collaborative and empowering approach to designing and organizing services and supports for people with disabilities. The focus is on identifying and building on the person’s strengths, interests, and abilities, rather than just their deficits or limitations. This involves gathering information about the person’s history, experiences, and preferences, and typically involves a team of people, selected by the person, who know and love the person well to work together to create a plan that reflects the person’s unique needs, and aspirations. This team may include the person with the disability, their family members, friends, advocates, and service providers.

Person-centered planning process for supporting individuals with disabilities

Gathering information about the person’s strengths, interests, and needs, as well as their dreams and aspirations for the future.

Developing a shared vision of what the person wants to achieve in their life, and identifying the steps needed to get there.

Action planning:
Developing a concrete plan of action that outlines the specific steps, resources, and supports needed to achieve the person’s goals.

Putting the plan into action, and making adjustments as needed to ensure that it is effective and responsive to the person’s needs.

Reviewing and reflecting on the plan, and making adjustments as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the person’s evolving needs and aspirations.

By putting the supported person at the center of the planning process, it ensures that their unique needs, preferences, and aspirations are heard and valued, and that the supports and services provided are tailored to their specific needs and goals.

People at Transition Points in their Lives

Person-centered planning can be a powerful tool for individuals who are at transition points in their lives, such as high school or college graduation, between jobs, or other major life changes.

At these critical junctures, individuals may be uncertain about their next steps, and may need support and guidance to navigate the transition successfully. Person-centered planning can help individuals to clarify their goals and aspirations, identify their strengths and areas for growth, and develop a plan of action to achieve their desired outcomes.

Person-centered planning process for supporting individuals who are at transition points

The first step in person-centered planning is to gather information about the person’s strengths, interests, and needs. This can be especially important during a transition period, as the individual may be exploring new opportunities and discovering new strengths and interests. By taking the time to engage in self-reflection and exploration, the individual can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their unique skills and abilities.

Once the individual has a better understanding of themselves and their strengths, they can begin to develop a vision for their future. This may involve setting specific goals and objectives, such as finding a job in a particular field, pursuing further education or training, or developing new skills or hobbies. The visioning process can help to inspire and motivate the individual, and provide a clear direction for their future.

Action planning:
With a clear vision in mind, the individual can begin to develop a concrete plan of action to achieve their goals. This may involve identifying the specific steps that need to be taken, the resources and supports that will be needed, and the timeline for achieving their objectives. The action planning process should be flexible and responsive to the individual’s evolving needs and circumstances.

With a plan in place, it’s time to put it into action. This may involve enlisting the support of family, friends, and professionals, as well as taking proactive steps to pursue opportunities and overcome challenges. The implementation phase should be focused on making progress towards the individual’s goals, while also being open to new opportunities and learning experiences.

As the individual moves forward in their transition, it’s important to periodically review and reflect on their progress. This can help to identify areas of success, as well as areas where further support or adjustments may be needed. By regularly evaluating their progress, the individual can stay focused on their goals and continue to make progress towards their vision for the future.

By focusing on the individual’s strengths, interests, and needs, and developing a plan that is tailored to their unique circumstances, person-centered planning can help to support individuals as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of life transitions.


BiosReady facilitators are committed to promoting self-direction, autonomy, and independence, and specialize in building positive relationships with individuals, families, and caregivers. Developing a Person-Centered Plan with BiosReady can help you or your loved one describe the supports needed to achieve your goals and aspirations, and to live full and meaningful lives.

Contact BiosReady to help develop a person-centered plan for you or your loved one.
Lori Hauge Chief Culture Officer
Certified PCT© Mentor Trainer
  • 918-229-1023 (office)
  • 918-605-2338 (cell)

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