We are all part of a family – some we are born into and some families are chosen.
Families Planning Together Training
People with disabilities who are unable to speak for themselves need to be able to describe what is important to them. For those individuals, their families are often the best choice.
Families Planning Together is a training curriculum that is specifically designed to assist family members of loved ones with disabilities, to learn basic Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) skills so they may involve other family members in person centered thinking and planning.
This training provides family members with a structured ways to gather and organize what they know about their loved one. They will be able to identify what is important to their family member, and separate that from what they consider being important for their family member. Those family members will use the resulting plans to assist their loved one with accomplishing their goals, and take what they have learned and communicate it to other family members.
BiosReady is experienced in supporting and empowering people in a person-centered way. Our certified PCT trainers will create an outstanding Families Planning Together learning experience for your family members.